Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Death Of Books, Or Is It?

Recently I've been reading numerous articles on people debating and bemoaning the demise of print books versus the rise of electronic books, while others insist readership is on a fast decline.
With millions addicted to the written word, I'd say readers are here to stay. The format and presentation of it may change with time, but then change is inevitable. Nothing remains the same forever. However remember it's the written word itself that's important. As long as it is always available to all that's what counts.
Do I prefer print books versus electronic books? Yes, I do. I love the feel of a book in my hands, placing a bookmark between the pages to await my return and finally making it part of my library to enjoy over and over again, or passing it on to other book addicts to enjoy.
I also think about how great it would be to have a Kindle and download a bunch of books. Imagine the convenience when traveling, not to mention storage. In the end I believe it will all sort itself out, to the disappointment of some and the satisfaction of others. But always remember it's the demise of the written word that should remain our main concern.
I'll leave you with a quote from a true book addict... Erasmus. "When I get a little money I buy books, and if any is left I buy food and clothes."
How do you feel about print books versus electronic books?


Sheena said...

I don't think I could ever give up print books...I love to read, and spend several hours a day reading, but staring at a monitor that long would be painful lol. However, I definitely agree that having something like a Kindle would make life a lot easier when traveling! Whenever my family visits India, we usually stay for at least a month. In that much time, I could potentially read 30-60 books. However, it is not feasible to take that many print books with me due to weight, space, etc! Hehe, that's where the Kindle would be many books as I want, in a compact little device :)

cheryl c said...

I think I must be an old dinosaur! I just don't like reading books on a screen. I buy and read a lot of paperbacks, and I don't plan to change.

Donna Fletcher said...

I agree with you both. I love my books. Thanks for sharing.