Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lunch & Bookstore

I met a friend for lunch today at the Cheesecake Factory. I hadn't seen her in while so we had a lot to talk about, including our shared interests in writing and books. And while I didn't indulge myself with cheesecake for dessert, I did indulge in a visit to the bookstore.
I strolled every aisle perusing any book that struck my fancy. I did spend extra time in the romance section and mystery. However, I came away with two non-fiction books that I found in Bargain Books.
I'm crazy about dream books. Since I'm an avid dreamer, I couldn't resist The Power of Creative Dreaming by Pamela Bell. It's packed with info and I'm looking forward to reading it. The other book is Leonardo Da Vinci In His Own Words by William Wray. I've been fascinated with Da Vinci ever since I did a report on him in the fourth grade. The book is a collection of his writing and illustrations.
Both books are going under the Christmas tree (gifts to me) and I'm making room for more from Santa. My holiday shopping at the bookstore is far from over as is holiday lunch with friends and the next time... I just may have that cheesecake.

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