Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hodge Podge

A hodge podge. A bit of this and a bit of that?
I've been at my computer all week doing what writers do... write. Even when I'm not writing my books I'm usually writing something. This week I was asked by two friends to write two letters who needed help in specific and important areas. I got them done in no time.
And then there's my journal writing. I write in it with great enthusiasm either very early in the morning or very late at night. I don't dump my frustrations or such in it, that's not it's purpose. To me it's a place where I can go beyond the ordinary and feel comfortable. It's a trusting companion and I always look forward to spending time within its pages. Another important journal to me is my dream journal. I experience the greatest dreams and I have come to see how dreams help and guide in daily life, while some turn out to be prophetic. There's a good dream site if you're interested in lucid dreaming. Oh, and need I forget my blog, which I do enjoy writing.
In between all this writing there's other things to be done, not to mention making time for reading. It's crazy that I spend the majority of my day with the written word and when I sit to relax I return to it in books. Though I do have my knitting projects. I'm working on a lovely spring/summer shawl in muted, peaches, greens and rose colors. And there's the throw I'm working on now for some time, though it's more like a blanket and I will be doing embroidery on it when the knitting part is done.
I can't forget the Easter hat I put together for my granddaughter. I made it to accompany her Fancy Nancy stuff. It's white with a wide brim. I added to that a plastic, multi-colored jewel necklace that fit the rim perfectly, fluffy white bows and purple checkered hair clips finished the dazzling bonnet.
I will admit that I escaped the confines of home a few hours one day this week. And where do you think I went? Where else? The bookstore, though it wasn't a long visit since I had to go to the post office and food store.
And today? No doubt I'll write, but first my flowerpots need cleaning and I need to take my spring wind chimes out. And then I have to get started searching for a place, since it's come time for me to move. As I said, a hodge podge of things that's going on. What's your hodge podge like?

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